Think of it as an emergency cut-off switch. (But not a cut-on switch.)
When Status=Off:
- This will prevent the member from having access to the station offer (such as Passport) – in all cases.
- The setting provides a quick way for stations to shut off access, without having to alter the Expire Date field.
When Status=On:
- This will only allow the member to have access to the station offer (such as Passport) if the following criteria is also met:
- The member has completed the activation process. (You can determine this by looking at the "Activation Date" field. If it's empty, they have not completed activation.)
- The membership is within the Start and Expire Dates – or within Grace Period, which is 90 days following the Expire Date.
- If criteria #1 AND #2 are not met, the member will not have access to the station offer, even if Status=On.